NYSMCA Committees
By Laws
Committee Chair: Mitchell Newman
The By-Laws Committee provides for the orderly and lawful operation of the Association in a manner that facilitates accomplishing its mission.
Generally, the Committee shall keep a record of all amendments; keep a record of and take action on all suggestions or proposals to modify or amend the By-Laws; review the By-Laws from time to time and report with recommendations to the Board of Directors on any proposed By-Law changes for its consideration which the Committee deems necessary or advisable.
All amendments of the By-Laws may be made and effected by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the Association, qualified to vote, present or represented by proxy, at any meeting of the Association, provided the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been stated with a thirty (30) day notice of the proposed amendments, but if no such notice has been given, then an affirmative vote of 85% of the members present or represented by proxy, shall be necessary.
Committee Chair: Michael Turek
The Membership Committee develops and manages the Association’s membership recruitment and retention programs. The committee actively recruits new members and is responsible for the efforts to retain current memberships. The committee set goals, develops a plan for achieving them and implements strategies for expanding the membership. It actively seeks good communicators with outstanding interpersonal skills who can help build the Association’s membership. As the strength and number of membership translates directly to the organization’s ability to positively affect those issues that are most relevant to the industry as a whole, the committee encourages communication with industry professionals on all levels.
The Committee works with other committees of the Association in order to enhance the dual goals of increased membership and increased participation in Association activities and ensures that members are informed and involved.
Committee Co-Chairs: Arelis Bonilla, Larry Zogby
The Program Committee is responsible for establishing and approving the programs and services of the organization and ensures that both reflect the Association’s mission. They identify and secure qualified subject matter experts or members from the association that can share their real life experiences to present educational topics to members at meetings. The committee considers requests made over the course of the year for content and looks to bring to the association timely and relevant seminars three times yearly.
Committee Co-Chairs: John V. Rutigliano, Larry Zogby
The Technology Committee provides guidance to the Association on all matters related to the website, networking, telecommunications and associated computer technology. They strive to enhance communication, by providing access to timely, accurate and useful information about the Association and its membership.
The committee is responsible for the design and development of information that is important and useful to its members and for maintaining current information about meetings, news, agendas, documentation and events. The committee periodically reviews the website to ensure that it up to date, accessible and is easy to use.
The committee recommends enhancements to the website and seeks approval from the Board of Directors before implementing any changes including the hosting of the website, maintaining the domain name and making major upgrades to the website. The Committee may also provide support to members on website/technology issues and serve as a resource to them as they enhance their internet presence.
Government Affairs Committee
Committee Chair: TBD
Members: Robert Logan, Jr., Christopher T. MacKrell, Robert Wyatt
The Government Affairs Committee monitors, reviews and responds to any state or local legislative or regulatory challenge to the messenger and courier industry. The committee works directly with state leaders in Albany to help educate them on the industry and the unique challenges that we face. This includes developing position papers, industry overview materials and attending regular meetings with key legislative leaders. Based on direction from the Board of Directors, the committee works with our lobbyist to ensure that they are helping to advance the best interests of the industry.
The committee organizes a yearly Lobby Day and fosters ongoing letter writing campaigns to government officials. The committee works to negotiate legislative and regulatory guidelines with the appropriate agencies and committees for, and on behalf of, our members. In addition, the committee explores opportunities for proactive partnerships and coalitions with various state and federal associations to advance the best interests of our members.